Portal Mortal v1.1.2 is here!


  • Fixed an issue, where opening the chest would leave it on a loop.
  • Fixed an issue, where some lights were flickering way too fast.
  • Fixed an issue, where some lights were dimming way too fast.
  • Fixed an issue, where all the weather effects were much more aggressively present than intended.
  • Fixed an issue, where disabling delta time could cause the game to run extremely fast.
  • Fixed an issue, where the screen would shake if player was looping between portals and zoom block was active.
  • Fixed an issue, which caused pendulums to act unintended ways, causing at least 1 level to be unbeatable.
  • Fixed various issues, most which only happened due to updated engine.
  • Fixed an issue, where destroyers wouldn't correctly return to their rightful place after reseting the state.
  • Fixed an issue, which caused none of the achievements to be obtainable.
  • Hopefully fixed an issue, where level would reset to wrong state after opening and closing the menu while player was dead.
  • Improved level name animation.
  • Improved server browser UI.
  • Improved solid collision dedection when player comes out from the portal.
  • Plenty of various level improvements.

This update was supposed to be much shorter, but as it turns out, once you find thing or two to fix, it just keep on escalating!


PortalMortal_WIN_112.zip 223 MB
Nov 28, 2023
PortalMortal_LIN_112.zip 227 MB
Nov 28, 2023

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